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Flex Charting works with trading institutions to build powerful charting platforms that enhance trading ability and increase success.


Custom built charting platform - Streamlined, efficient trading - Additional revenue - Satisfied audience

Flex Charting builds custom stock market charting tools to fit your specific trading strategy. Far too often, traders who follow a system get lost in the complexity of charting tools. When told to follow a strict plan, they find themselves exploring new tricks and tidbits instead of sticking to what works. Furthermore, traditional stock market charting tools do not provide features that are optimized for your strategy. We combat these issues by teaming up to create a custom stock market charting platform that fits the strategy. This approach leads to a smoother and more efficient trading experience.


Higher success rate - Increased Revenue - Profit Sharing - Happier audience

By partnering up with Flex Charting, we will build you a custom charting platform for free. The niche characteristics of the platform will increase the chances of your audience's success rate in the market by eliminating complexity, and decreasing the likelihood of operating outside of your system while providing more advanced features other products do not have. Increased success rate of your audience will lead to higher rate of returning users as well as more word-of-mouth marketing.

Our pay-as-you-go model will encourage a symbiotic relationship as we create the best product possible for you while you continue using your custom built platform.

Our Approach

Gather requirements - Team up - Design Platform - Deploy

During our consultations, we try and better understand your trading desires. We ask for a brief overview of your strategy, what tools you currently use, and where you can see some improvements. We will work with you to pull together requirements so that we can create the best user experience for you and your audience.

Once all of the details are hashed out, we will present you with a proposal outlining the product we are creating. We will handle support, maintenance, and manage, and negotiate exchange regulations.